Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lemon Politik

Herzlich Willkommen !

In 1989 the world changed forever. You probably have at least the slightest idea why. Perhaps you don’t fully understand the series of events that occurred throughout that particular year, maybe you are not very keen in history and politics, but, nonetheless, one way or another you are surely aware that something big happened. I assume this as a fact the same way as I assume that right now, you are reading from a computer screen. You were probably surfing the internet, found a link or were told by someone (like me) to get in here. As insignificant as a click of a mouse can be, having a computer makes you one of the luckiest person on Earth. I realized Internet is a good not everybody can afford. Whoever you are, you are using internet right now. If you wish you could easily close this site and look for unlimited amounts of information of your choice. You are very lucky indeed. Not everyone can claim such a privilege.

You are an internet user, so I suspect you don’t live under a rock. However you are no academic eminence either. I promise I will do my best not to bore with large post’s with unnecessary history contents. You won’t find that in here so should you be looking for exactly that, you ought to remember that internet gives you the freedom to start stumbling or surfing the web again. It is not my purpose to give history lessons…I would even rather looking in wikipedia for such !

As you probably guessed…and you guessed right, Lemonpolitik has something to do with Politics. What is it exactly ? I am not sure yet, I hope you can help me find out that connection by becoming a fellow reader of this website. All I can tell you in advance is that Lemonpolitik is no place for political correctiveness. Lemonpolitik will squeeze the juice right out from the news you read to provide you with fresh points of view. Still , don’t expect this site to tell you the truth either. The only truth out there is that there are only points of view, and you should make your own. Of course you cannot do so if you are not allowed to. Well, the lemon has its own point of view and it is not afraid of sharing its thoughts and beliefs. First, the lemon believes you are entitled to the right of information. If you are who you chose to be, then you must chose what to read. Now, as much as I would like to, this shall be no space for abstract thinking. You won’t find yourself reading about philosophy or morale unless those subjects are bound in practical and tangible manners. However, please note that this is no place for pasting merely abstracts of the old & new realpolitik thinking. On the contrary, the lemon is an internet-user generated editorial which is quite liberal. It’s background ideology is that there is good in this world worth fighting for. The lemon strongly supports people’s self determination and the protection of unalienable rights. It condemns any system based upon the diminish of human kind potential, but it does so by taking a look at inescapable facts.

Aright, this site could be tagged as a political review of global events. Lemon will stain with citric acid those who would want you to remain silent and submissive.

Twenty years ago a miraculous revolution peacefully toppled an autocratic regime with no respect for its people. In theory both capitalism and socialism claim to be the best formula for providing happiness to the people. However it is not capitalism who prevailed. It was the liberal democracy model the one that prevailed over autocracy. Democracy is not perfect, but it is the best system we got. It gives persons the power to chose not only leaders amidst themselves, but to chose what to wear, where to go, what to think and which values to follow. Choice gives people purpose. It gives us hope and it allows us to develop ourselves as human beings. Every system that constrains the human will is destined for doom.

This is Lemonpolitik.
Shout ! and let it all out !

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